The prescription diet pills used to be the doctor's way of helping those people who are obese and have a BMI of over 30. Along with a diet plan, a weight loss program and some exercise, the prescription diet pill was and still is given to many.
70% of the population lose their fight against dieting. You are not alone if it has happened to you. Fad diets, yo-yo diets, you name it, they are out there and most don't work.
There has been an increase in weight loss tablets being sold in pharmacies and on the internet as a way of gaining effective weight loss. The reason for this is that many of these weight loss tablets that were "prescription only" were approved by the FDA, but more recently the FDA have approved for these types of pills to be sold over the counter.
Whilst this is possibly a good thing, many of these fat binders and appetite suppressants have been chemically altered and do not work as well as having horrid side effects. Many over the counter weight loss pills contain the following ingredients, but generally speaking they won't advertise the side effects that come with it. So be warned.
Orlistat, which was originally a prescription diet pill, was approved by the FDA for over the counter sale in 2007. However, the side effects aren't very nice, namely diarrhea. Not very convenient if you have a 9-5 job.
Rimonabant is an appetite suppressant and this has frightening side effects such as causing psychiatric problems. This product actually hasn't been approved in USA or Canada.
Sibutramine is another appetite suppressant, but you may find that your blood pressure rises, which again isn't safe, but also can be very dangerous.
You will find these examples of the above ingredients contained in many of the weight loss pills that are on the market today which explains why you want to find fat binders or appetite suppressants that are 100% natural and have also been clinically proven and tested. Hoodia pills are a very safe and natural weight loss tablet and one you should look into, because hoodia is a natural ingredient used for generations by the San Tribe to suppress their appetite. You need to know what you are taking is a safe weight loss tablet.
Prescription diet pills are now readily available over the counter, but check first and do your research into which ones are best for you and which ones will enable you to gain safe and effective weight loss.
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