To stay slim with the aid of a fat pill must appeal greatly to the millions of overweight people throughout the world who have tried dieting and failed. One of biggest health hazards of the 21st century is obesity, which in the United States alone, afflicts over 30% of the general population.
Medical experts describe obesity as a condition in which the body accumulates excess fat to the extent that one's health is at risk. The risks are real given that over a quarter of a million people die each year due to complications arising from being overweight. What could be quicker or more convenient than a fat pill to shed all that excess weight?
Although it may have taken months, or even years to put in all that unwanted fat. For some reason, rather than make dietary changes to current eating habits or lifestyle that caused the problem, it is always tempting to look for the quick fix when you're trying to lose weight
If you are one of these folks that have gone down this road and ended up disappointed by the results, don't despair, there's hope for the future
Scientists have pinpointed an enzyme that determines whether the fat you eat is burnt off as energy or stored in the body. The breakthrough raises the prospect of a pill being developed which targets this enzyme and blocking the absorption of fat, allowing you to eat without worrying about putting on weight
Being overweight can have serious consequences on one's health. There are upwards of 300,000 deaths each year resulting from health conditions that come from being overweight. Some researchers suggest, "The really good news is, that such a fat pill or 'fat controller' in the gut could be the key to preventing obesity, diabetes and heart disease,
Research at the University of California has been focused on MGAT2, an enzyme found in the intestine of mice and humans. The Journal Nature Medicine reports that mice in the experiments were able to eat a high fat diet while remaining slim and healthy. The fat they absorbed was burnt off as energy, rather than stored in the body, and they seemed better at processing sugar, cutting their risk of diabetes, and the lower levels of "Bad" cholesterol in their blood.
Obesity expert's say that such fat pills being researched at the University of California are years from the market, and in the meantime most people would benefit from eating leas and exercising more. However, weight Loss supplements, prescription appetite suppressants and prescription diet pills have been on the market for years, and fat pills have been available in America since June 2007 and also in the UK for the past 10 years, but only on prescription.
Manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline, said that their clinical trials have shown that adding their Alli fat pill 'Orlistat' to a reduced-calorie, lower-fat diet, can help people lose 50% more weight than dieting alone.
Information contained in this article is not meant to replace professional advice. Always check with your physician
before starting any weight loss program.
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